Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I did not make it to the gym yesterday. I did not do the Shred video.  I was a bum!  Actually I missed the gym because I thought the AC guy was coming to do the summer check on our unit but alas he's coming in 20 minutes.  Then I meant to go that night but Daniel reminded me that Sarah's awards ceremony was starting at 6.  And to be honest, I was thinking of skipping the gym today. Ian's party is on Saturday and I have not completed anything.  I'll spare you details on how my  house has imploded around me! LOL!

Here comes the happy part.  I was getting dressed this morning, fully planning to skip the gym and just go party shopping.  Then I stepped on the scale. Just yesterday that scale told me that I was 179.  That's right. I had gained a pound.  I'm a habitual weigher.  I weigh myself every day.  Sometimes I check my morning and night weight. Some may say I have a problem.  But this morning things were different.  That scale looked back at me with a 176.8 on it's face!  And now I'm going to the gym today after the AC guy goes.  Even if I only get in my cardio, I'm sufficiently motivated to put everything else on the back burner and forge ahead with my new lifestyle.

Praise God for giving me what I needed today to keep going and to continue to overcome my food addiction. He's faithful in all things.

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