Monday, October 4, 2010

My Deals at CVS

I had a good night at CVS!  I spent a little more than I usually do, but managed to get some great deals.  I've been forcing the last little bits of deodorant out of the bottle for the last week.  You see, I couldn't find any on sale.  But this week I hit the mother load and will not have to worry about it for a while!  We've also been out of paper towels for a few weeks and I can't tell you how excited the family was to see those come in! The Revlon nail polish, wig and Re-Nu  were all free!  I'm a sucker for free-bees!
So here is my breakdown.  I started out with $15 in Easy Care Bucks from last week.

Total Before Sales and Coupons - $100.13
Total Spent - $21.69
Amount Saved - $78.44
ECB's for next week - $7.99

P.S.  I highly recommend taking advantage of the deal on nail polish.  It costs $3.99.  If you have coupons from a few weeks ago, you'll find $1 off coupons in there.  If not, after the Easy Care Bucks, the nail polish only costs $0.99!

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