Monday, July 12, 2010

VBS and The Little Man

A few weeks ago, Ashton and Sarah went to VBS at my in-laws church.  My sister-in-law is the brains behind the operation and she does an awesome job.  This year the theme was Galaxy Blast and it was a huge hit. The narrator for the stage show was a green monkey and Ashton thought it was the coolest thing in the world.  Each day he would wake up and ask to go to church and see the green monkey!  Each night he would come home with his sister singing "Praise God" and other little songs the kids learned throughout the week.  On Friday, my SIL gave out necklaces with little verse cards attached.  Ashton refused to let them go for days.  That night when he came home, he laid on the couch and fell asleep with them in his hands.  Even a few weeks later, he sometimes still goes to sleep with them!  It was so sweet and we are blessed to have been able to send him to such a fun event!

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