Saturday, March 19, 2011

Oh How I Cried

While driving home last night, I broke down crying.  Maybe I should amend that and say I was sobbing.  It was severe and I almost needed to pull off the road. I haven't cried like that in a long time but these pregnant lady emotions were provoked.  As I drove home from North Carolina, I started listening to a country station.  I normally do not have extreme reactions to songs, but I heard If Heaven Wasn't So Far Away for the first time. 

The song was beautiful.  You should listen to it.  But then it got me thinking.  My son is a lot like his grandfather.  He loves to tinker at stuff and figure out how things work.  I could picture him so clearly sitting in my grandfathers shed learning about various tools.  Or sitting out at the truck changing brakes or completing some other necessary repair.  I could see Brenna sassing my grandmother.  My mind formed pictures of the kids sitting at my other grandmothers house in the kitchen while she cooked.  It tore my heart up and I cried like a baby!  I'm tearing up just writing this post! And because of that, I feel that it's only right of me to share this song with you. 

Happy tears folks!

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