Saturday, November 22, 2008

Are You a "But Mom"?

Are you now wondering what a But Mom is? If so, I'll be happy to educate you a But Mom is the mother of child who has recently figured out that they know more than their mother. Each time they are asked to do something, they cry out "But Mom!" It doesn't matter what the request is.

Mom: Did you wipe your feet at the door?
Child: BUT MOM!
Mom: Please carry your dishes to the sink.
Child: BUT MOM!
Mom: Put your coat on before going to play.
Child: BUT MOM!
Mom: It's 20 degrees outside.
Child: BUT MOM!
Mom: Don't climb on the branches that are thinner than my arm.
Child: BUT MOM!
Mom: You are getting frostbite. It's time to come in.
Child: BUT MOM!

Do you see what I mean? I've moved from being Mom to being But Mom. I'm not sure I like this new title.

P.S. How long does this stage last? Then again, maybe I don't want to know!

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